The Active X Backs Pro Plan Agreement

This Agreement is between multiple parties and relates to the delivery of The Active X Backs PRO Plan.

Parties to the Agreement are as below:

  • The Client
  • The Coaches (there may be more than one of these per client) - Partners and representatives of Active X Backs who provide any of the services listed below
  • Exercise classes - in-person and/or online.
  • Health-related information.
  • Motivational coaching.
  • Active X Clinics Ltd, UK company number SC246156 , trading as “Active X Backs”, who provide a technology platform, including but not limited to a health coaching app, a library of digital resources, payment portal, other health-related information.

By accepting this agreement, you (the client) confirm that


Your answers to the following 10 questions are “No”, and that should this change during the duration of this agreement that you will seek medical advice


If any of your answers to the following 10 questions are “Yes”, that you have sought medical advice and are satisfied that you do not need further medical assessment or intervention.

  • Compared with during your waking day, is your pain worse when trying to sleep?
  • Have you lost any great amount of weight without meaning to over the last year?
  • Have you been diagnosed with cancer at any time?
  • Have you had back surgery in the last 2 years? 
  • Do you have any numbness (lack of sensation) or pins and needles around your genitals/pelvic floor area?
  • Do you have any difficulty urinating or defecating?
  • Have you had any recent change in sexual function (loss of feeling, erection, ability to orgasm)?
  • Have you suffered any accidents recently that in any way could impact on your back?
  • Have you been on a prolonged (months/years) course of oral steroids in the past or now?
  • Have you had a persistent high temperature recently?


AXB and its Representatives and Partners will 

  • Provide on-boarding assessments which help to determine the information we provide you with and to build your Cliff of PainTM plan for progress.
  • Deliver 8 weekly exercise classes either in-person or online, or a mix of these.
  • Deliver 8 weekly online webinars.
  • Provide health coaching through the Active X Backs coaching app.
  • Provide a digital library of relevant information.

These services will be provided in-person, online, or as a hybrid of these.  The client may receive the services one-to-one or as part of a Group.  The cost for one-to-one is different to in a Group.


After your initial on-boarding call, we ask you to attend each session.  We ask that you come to each session prepared with any questions you have related to your plan and/or progress.  And that you ask those questions during the session.


Please be honest with yourself and with us throughout the coaching process. You can expect us to be straightforward, constructive and confidential. You can say anything to us, positive or negative; this includes honesty in your responses to us, and letting us know if something makes you feel uncomfortable or if you don’t want to respond to a question. The key to an effective coaching relationship is communication. Please let us know at any time if you have concerns that we haven’t addressed.

As your coaches, we are a resource for you to use to your best advantage. We will share concepts or insights, and ask re-orienting questions that are intended to increase your success in attaining your health goals. We expect you to be willing to grow and change. From time to time, we may make a request like, “Will you accomplish X by the end of the month?” You always have the option of accepting a request, declining, or counter-offering something that might be more workable for you.

Your Conduct Within The Group

If you have chosen the 1:1 option for the PRO Plan exercise classes this clause does not apply to you in that setting.  However it does within the webinar setting.

If you have chosen the Group format then, as a member of a group coaching program, we ask you to treat everything said by your fellow class members with respect, and regard it as confidential information.  You agree not to disclose anything said by another member of the group during group sessions. 

If your behaviour is deemed to be inappropriate within this group setting, you will be informed of this by your instructor and asked not to repeat the behaviour.  If the behaviour happens again, you will be removed from the program and refunded a proportion of the fee paid, on a pro rata basis.

Payment procedure

The 8 week initial fee is due prior to your first official session. This includes 

  • 8 weekly webinars with a representative of Active X Backs.
  • 8 weekly exercise classes with a Partner of Active X Backs.
  • An online coaching app and content determined by your Functional Assessment, and light in-app messaging support.
  • An online digital library of resources.

Please pay in full using the payment link provided at the foot of this page. 

This agreement will not be deemed fully in-place until that payment is received.

This fee is split between Active X Backs (the platform), its Representatives and Partners..

Completion of the time period: Because of the time, scope and nature of this work, the initial contract is for 8 weeks of coaching. Thereafter, we encourage you to repeat the cycle as necessary.  Or, to advance to our “Active for Life” maintenance program.

Confidentiality: We recognise that in the course of our work together, you may give Active X Backs and its Representatives and Partners the following: future plans, health information, financial information, goals, personal information, and other proprietary information. We will not at any time, either directly or indirectly, use any information for our own personal benefit, disclose, or communicate in any manner any information to any third party. We will not divulge that you and we are in a coaching relationship without your permission. We will hold everything that we say and do confidential.

Nature of the relationship: You are aware that the coaching relationship is in no way to be construed as psychological counselling or psychotherapy, or that we will offer medical advice. In the event that you feel the need for professional counselling or therapy, or medical advice, it is your responsibility to seek a licensed professional. You may wish to pay for this service separately from Active X Backs or one of its Representatives or Partners, but that is out with the scope of this agreement. Coaching results are not guaranteed. You enter into coaching with the understanding that you are responsible for creating your own results. You are working with us on a volunteer basis for the purpose of creating a structure to identify and achieve your health and well-being goals.

Client waiver: Simply stated, you understand that we provide a framework, motivational and educational services. Active X Backs and its representatives and partners cannot be held liable for any advice, suggestions, or guidance that we provide during our work together.

When you are happy with the above agreement follow this link to make your payment BOOK MY PLACE

By booking your place you confirm that you have read and will comply with this agreement. 
Thank you 

GAVIN ROUTLEDGE on behalf of Active X Backs 

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