The Active X Backs Pro Plan Information Sheet

The Active X Backs Pro Plan 

This is a blended program which includes taking part in a specialist exercise class designed specifically for clients with Lower Back Pain and/or Sciatica.

During the eight week program we will meet once a week for face to face instruction, guidance and support. 

When you understand that the only proven preventative measures to eradicate lower back pain/sciatica are exercise and education will quickly appreciate that why this program incorporates both of these elements. 

Education is delivered via the weekly webinar and exercise is taught within the weekly class both of which are backed up by the accompanying app on your phone. 

As you would expect the exercise class is a crucial part of the program where you will discover exactly how to perform the relevant exercises which you will then practice on your own between classes. Getting your technique right and following specific instructions will be the difference between recovering ...or not. 

The App on your Smartphone will give you nudges to help keep you on track so that you can stay focused on your goals and help you to build new habits which will become second nature by the end of the program. 

It is probably safe to assume that you have tried exercises in the past which may or may not have been tailored to your specific set of circumstances and if they had worked would not be contemplating joining The Active X Backs Pro Plan!

What sets this class apart from others is that the instructor has recently completed training with Active X Backs and the class plan has been written taking into account the evidence based research from Gavin Routledge's Masters degree in The Clinical Management of Pain.

Coupled with Fiona Brown's  vast experience of teaching fitness instructors and writing fitness qualifications which focus on alignment and deconstructing complex exercises, we believe this is what makes our Pro Plan unique. 

All of this information is backed up and supported in the weekly webinar where you will learn 

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The Active X Backs Pro Plan Explained

The Pro Plan, devised by Gavin Routledge, the clinic director at Active X Backs, aims to provide a comprehensive solution for individuals facing various challenges related to pain and performance.

At the core of the Pro Plan are three key elements: Prevent, Regain, and Optimize (PRO).

  • Prevent pain
  • Regain confidence
  • Optimise health

Section 1: RELIEVE

If you're currently experiencing pain, finding relief is the initial focus of the Pro Plan. Through tailored exercises and optional therapies not included in the Pro Plan, you can address and alleviate your pain to some extent. However, the Pro Plan goes beyond mere relief.

Section 2: PREVENT

In the Prevent phase, you'll be given access to a user-friendly app that you can download on your smartphone. This app serves as a 24/7 resource, enabling you to take control of your health and well-being. Additionally, a dedicated exercise instructor will guide you through onboarding, ensuring you are well-equipped to succeed. You'll join a weekly exercise class to help you maximise the library of exercises under their watchful eye. It won't surprise you to hear that execution and excellent technique are the key to safe and effective exercising. 

No previous experience is required and all exercises can be modified or adapted to suit you ...the individual. There will never be more than eight class members to ensure you receive the best of attention. 

Section 3: UNDERSTAND 

To deepen your understanding of pain and how you and your body react to it, the Pro Plan offers a comprehensive library of exercises through the app. Moreover, you'll attend weekly webinars conducted by Gavin Routledge himself. These webinars build upon each other and are the foundation of the Pro Plan, providing invaluable knowledge to help you achieve your goals.


Setting goals and holding yourself accountable is crucial for progress. In the Planning and Prioritizing phase, you'll learn about the Cliff of Pain, a trademark concept by Gavin Routledge. Benchmark assessments and goal-setting exercises will further solidify your commitment to your well-being.

Section 5: ADAPT

When writing the Pro Plan Gavin knew he would need to include this section on change and adaptation which are necessary for long-term success.

By examining your lifestyle and daily habits, you'll identify areas that can be modified to support your pain-free journey. Small changes, consistently implemented, can lead to significant improvements.

You can rely on the fact there will be no judgement ...only support and guidance. 


As you progress through the Pro Plan, you'll find physical and mental relief and experience the transformative power of the program.

But be warned ...this is definitely NOT  a magic solution!

We are not talking about managing your pain ...we aim to help you eradicate it!

This program relies on you putting in the work to make the changes that ensure you won't drift back into bad habits when you've completed the eight weeks.

We are also realistic and appreciate that in the big scheme of things - eight weeks is not a long time.

The team at Active X acknowledges the need for continued support. At the end of the program, you'll have the option to repeat the program or join the maintenance program, ensuring you maintain the progress you've made.

Staying on the path to a pain free life. 


Reclaiming a pain-free life requires commitment, support, and the right resources.

The Active X Backs Pro Plan offers a comprehensive solution that addresses the root causes of pain and provides the tools necessary for long-term success.

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